Welcome to the website of the Research Group of Dr. Aman Ullah at the University of Alberta.
Our research group focuses on chemical conversions of biomass and synthesis of biopolymers, biochemicals, biocomposites, bionanocomposites, biosorbents and bioconjugates from Lipids & other renewable resources for various industrial applications
Latest Updates
May 2024
Congratulations to Zubair for his article being accepted for publication in Environmental Science: Advances!
April 2024
Congratulations to Zubair for his article being accepted for publication in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules!
Aman delivered an invited talk at the 2024 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo April 28-May 1, 2024, Palais des congrès de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada
March 2024
Congratulations to Beenish for her article being accepted for publication in Food Hydrocolloids!
January 2024
Congratulations to Punita for her article being accepted for publication in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules!
Congratulations to Kiki for successfully defending her PhD theses!
Congratulations to Kiki for her article being accepted for publication in European Polymer Journal!
Welcome to our new group member Jingfang Li!
Welcome to our new group member Carolina Alessandra Sotelo Guzman!
December 2023
Aman delivered a lecture at the Department of Anesthesiology at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical School in Boston, USA
November 2023
Aman presented an invited talk at the 17th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology held at National Chung Hsing University in Taichung, Taiwan
October 2023
Read full story here:
September 2023
Aman delivered a lecture at the Centre of Excellence in Environmental Studies and Water research Centre on September 3rd Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Chicken processing byproduct could improve water filtration
Read full story here:
August 2023
Congratulations to Yasir for his article being accepted for publication in Carbohydrate Polymers!
July 2023
Researchers take a step forward in turning chicken feathers into water filters

Read full story here: https://www.ualberta.ca/folio/2023/06/researchers-take-step-forward-in-turning-chicken-feathers-into-wastewater-filters.htm
Congratulations to Yanet for her article being accepted for publication in Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry!
June 2023
Congratulations to Punita for her article being accepted for publication in New Journal of Chemistry!
Aman attended 2023 Gordon Research Conference on "Biomass to Biobased Chemicals and Materials" held May 28 - June 2, 2023 at Jordan Hotel at Sunday River in Newry, ME United States
May 2023
Congratulations to Irum, Irfan and Zubair for their article being accepted for publication in Science of the Total Environment!
April 2023
Congratulations to Zubair and Irum for their article being accepted for publication in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules!
Congratulations to Danqin and Guankai for successful completion of their MSc degrees!
March 2023
Congratulations to Punita for successful defense of her MSc thesis!
February 2023
Congratulations to Yanet for her article being accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!
January 2023
Congratulations to Yanet for her article being accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!
Congratulations to Yanet and Zubair for successful defense of their PhD theses!
December 2022
Congratulations to Beenish for her article being accepted for publication in Food Packaging and Shelf Life!
Welcome to our new group member Asif Abrar!
November 2022

Aman among 2022 ASTech Award Winners!
October 2022
Welcome to our new group member Zeping Liu!
Welcome to our new group member Yasir Iqbal!
September 2022
Welcome to our new group member Dr. Dorra Gargouri!
Congratulations to Frage for his article being accepted for publication in Polymers!
Congratulations to Zubair for his article being accepted for publication in Chemosphere!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning MacAllister Scholarship in Agriculture, 3rd Place, Student ePoster Pitch Competition - Sustainable proteins forum, American Oil Chemist’s Society (AOCS) and CIFST Graduate Student Travel award!
August 2022
Welcome to our new group member Dr. Muhammad Faisal Irfan!
Congratulations to Kiki for her article being accepted for publication in Polymers and Chosen as the the Issue Cover!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning Travel Award in Bioresource Excellence!
April/May/June/July 2022
Congratulations to Zubair for his article being accepted for publication in Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology!
Congratulations to Punita for winning J Gordin Kaplan and GSA conference travel awards!
Congratulations to Yanet for winning GSA Conference Travel Award!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning J Macgregor Smith Graduate Scholarship, J Gordin Kaplan Graduate Student Award, IUPAC-MACRO 2022 MSED Travel Award and Green and Gold Student Leadership and Professional Development awards!
Punita presented a poster at The Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition (CCCE), Calgary, Canada.
Yanet delivered a talk at 6th Postgraduate Colloquium for Environmental Research, June 9-11, 2022, Malaysia.
March 2022
Congratulations to Zubair for winning People’s Choice Award, 3 MT 2022!
February 2022
Congratulations to Karen for her article being accepted for publication in Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology!
Kiki, Punita, and Beenish all presented oral talks and Zubair delivered epitch at AOCS Canadian section of Lipids and Protein Conference - February 4 -5, 2022.
Congratulations to Zubair for winning 3rd place in epitch!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning 3rd place in epitch!
January 2022
Congratulations to Frage for his article being accepted for publication in Molecules!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning 2022 AOCS Canadian (CAOCS) Section Student Support Grant and 2022 AOCS Protein and Co-Products (PCP) Student Travel Grants respectively!
Welcome to our new group member Ameneh!
December 2021
Congratulations to Safder and Arshad for their article being accepted for publication in Carbohyrate Polymers!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning the Shell Enhanced Learning Fund (SELF)!
November 2021
Congratulations to Zubair for winning the John and Patricia Schlosser Environment Scholarship!
Congratulations to Zubair for being selected into Graduate Leadership Development Stream: Dive Program!
September 2021
Welcome to our new group members Danqin and Alan!
August 2021
Welcome to our new group members Beenish and Elias!
June 2021
Congratulations to Yanet for her article being accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering!
May 2021
Congratulations to Zubair, Rehan and Arshad for their article being accepted for publication in Macromolecular Materials and Engineering!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning the Shell Enhanced Learning Fund (SELF)!
Congratulations to Zubair for winning 2nd place oral presentation award in 7th Annual Alberta Nanotechnology Research Symposium!
March 2021
Congratulations to Zubair for winning the Alberta Innovates Graduate Student Scholarship!
January 2021
Reza Ahmadi defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
December 2020
Congratulations to Muzamil for completing his MSc!
October 2020
Congratulations to Irum for her article being accepted for publication in Chemosphere!
October 2020
Congratulations to Sakib for his article being accepted for publication in ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces!
September 2020
Congratulations to Sakib for his article being accepted for publication in Materials Today Communications!
July 2020
Sakib Rahman defended his MSc Thesis. Congratulations!
June 2020
Congratulations to Safder for his article being accepted for publication in Materials Today Communications!
May 2020
Rehan Pradhan defended his MSc Thesis. Congratulations!
Congratulations to Reza for his article being accepted for publication in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering!
February 2020
Aman delivered a lecture at the World Congress on Oils & Fats held February 9-12 Sydney, Australia
January 2020
Congratulations to Samira for her article being accepted for publication in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules!
Congratulations to Rehan and Arshad for their article being accepted for publication in Journal of Industrial & Engineering Chemistry!
December 2019
Muhammad Safder defended his PhD thesis. Congratulations!
October 2019
Aman delivered a lecture at the 17th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo held October 20-23 Seville, Spain
July 2019
Aman and Tariq selected among 2019 ASTech Awards Finalists for the 30th Annual ASTech Innovation Awards!
Aman attended 2019 Gordon Research Conference on "Biomass to Biobased Chemicals and Materials" held July 14 - 19, 2019 at Jordan Hotel at Sunday River in Newry, ME United States
We would like to welcome our newest members Kexin Yu and Qin Tong Wu to the Group!
June 2019
Aman delivered an invited lecture and Irum & Rehan presented oral talks and posters at the 26th annual meeting of the Bio-Environmental Polymer Society (BEPS), June 5-7, 2019 at the Clemson International Center for Automotive Research, Greenville, South Carolina, USA
Congratulations to Irum for winning poster award!
Congratulations to Irum for winning poster award!
May 2019
Aman delivered an invited lecture and Arshad, Safder & Zubair presented oral talks and posters at The 2019 AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo held May 5–8, 2019, at the American’s Center Convention Complex in St. Louis, Missouri, USA
We would like to welcome our newest members Sammira Allahyari and Saba Mehreen to the Group!
Congratulations to Zubair for Shell Enhanced Learning award and winning poster award at 6th annual Alberta Nanosymposium!
March 2019
Congratulations to Yanet for passing Candidacy Exam!
January 2019
We would like to welcome our newest members Zhe Tang, Huiqi Wang and Siti Amirah to the Group!
December 2018
Aman received ALES Research and Innovation Award for outstanding research contributions!
November 2018
Congratulations to Zubair, Safder and Yanet for receiving Bern & Donna Kotelko Travel Award in Bioresource Excellence! and to Yanet for the Shell Enhanced Learning award!
October 2018
Congratulations to Zubair for receiving 3rd place poster award at PDFA/GSA Research Day!
Congratulations to Shruti, Khosa and punita for their article being accepted in International Journal of Biological Macromolecules!
Congratulations to Safder and Khosa for their articles being accepted in The Journal of Cleaner Production and Advances in Colloid and Interface Science!
September 2018
Congratulations to Irum for receiving Professor JB McQuitty Graduate Scholarship and reaching in the list of finalists of the U of A Falling Walls Lab with idea of Breaking the Wall of Water Pollution!
We would like to welcome our newest member Karen Camas to the group!
August 2018
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture at World congress on Biopolymers, Bioplastics & Recycling, August 29 -30, 2018 Berlin, Germany
Reza delivered an oral talk and presented a poster at 5th International Conference and Exhibition on Polymer Chemistry - August 27 -28, 2018, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Congratulations to Reza for winning best poster award!
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture at World congress on Materials Science and Engineering, August 23-25, 2018 Amsterdam, Netherlands
July 2018
Aman delivered a keynote lecture and Reza, Safder, Zubair, Arshad all presented oral talks and posters at 15th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites & Biorefining: Circular Economy for Bioproducts Innovation - July 23 -27, 2018, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Congratulations to Safder for winning 2nd place poster award!
June 2018
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture at 19th World Congress on Materials Science and Engineering, June 11-13, 2018, Barcelona, Spain
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture and Zubair an oral presentation at 20th International Conference on Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology, June 25-26, 2018, Vancouver, Canada
Zubair presented a poster at the 30th Canadian Material Science Conference, June 20-22, 2018, Edmonton, AB, Canada
May 2018
Zubair and Safder presented posters and Arshad delivered oral presentation at 5th Alberta Nano Research Symposium - May 3-4, 2018, Red Deer, AB, Canada
Congratulations to Zubair for winning 1st Position, Nanoscale horizon poster award by Royal society of chemistry . Full story available here
Congratulations to Zubair for winning 1st Position, Nanoscale horizon poster award by Royal society of chemistry . Full story available here
Aman delivered oral presenation and Zubair & Safder presented posters at Prairie Poultry Meeting, May 7-8, 2018, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Arshad, Reza and Zubair - all presented posters at 101st Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition - May 27-31, 2018, Edmonton, AB, Canada
Zubair presented a poster at the Land Use conference, Edmonton, AB, Canada, May 30-31, 2018
April 2018
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture at 5th World Congress on Smart and Emerging Materials Conference, April 19-20, 2018, Dubai, UAE
March 2018
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture at ICE 2018 Conference themed “Science beyond Classroom”, March 15-17, 2018, Lahore, PU, Pakistan
Arshad delivered an oral presentation at the Research Symposium, Future Energy Systems 2018, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, March 14, 2018.
Congratulations to Arshad for winning Best Oral Presentation Award. Full story available here
Congratulations to Arshad for winning Best Oral Presentation Award. Full story available here
February 2018
Zubair and Safder presented posters at Western Poultry Conference - February 26, 2018, Red Deer, AB, Canada
November 2017
Arshad, Reza and Yanet - all presented posters at SPARK Conference - November 6 to 8, 2017, Edmonton, AB, Canada
October 2017
Our Article entitled "Remarkably Efficient Microwave-Assisted Cross-Metathesis of Lipids under Solvent-Free Conditions" was recognized as a key scientific article by Advances in Engineering
Full story available at advanceseng.com/chemical-engineering/microwave-assisted-cross-metathesis-lipids/
September 2017
Congratulations to Liejiang, Arshad, Reza, Keyu and Rehan for their research articles being accepted in ACS Sustaible Chemistry $ Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, ChemSuSChem, RSC Advances and Mater. Sci. Eng. C.
Congratulations to Liejiang, Arshad, Reza, Keyu and Rehan for their research articles being accepted in ACS Sustaible Chemistry $ Engineering, Polymer Chemistry, ChemSuSChem, RSC Advances and Mater. Sci. Eng. C.
August 2017
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture at International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials, August 7-9, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada
Aman delivered a Keynote lecture at International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials, August 7-9, 2017, Toronto, ON, Canada
July 2017
Aman delivered an invited lecture at 10th International Conference on Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology, July 27-29, 2017 at Vancouver, BC, Canada
Aman delivered an invited lecture at 10th International Conference on Emerging Materials and Nanotechnology, July 27-29, 2017 at Vancouver, BC, Canada
June 2017
Congratulations to Yanet for receiving AFNS and FGSR travel awards
Congratulations to Yanet for receiving AFNS and FGSR travel awards
April 2017
Microwaves convert seed oils into valuable chemicals faster
New approach improves efficiency and cost, to
Microwaves convert seed oils into valuable chemicals faster
New approach improves efficiency and cost, to

August 2016
Aman delivered an invited lecture at 2nd World Congress on Biopolymers - August 4 - 5, 2016, Manchester, UK
Aman delivered an invited lecture at 2nd World Congress on Biopolymers - August 4 - 5, 2016, Manchester, UK
August 2016
Aman delivered a plenary lecture and Reza delivered an oral talk at International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials - August 1 - 3, 2016, Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Congratulations to Reza for receiving award.
Aman delivered a plenary lecture and Reza delivered an oral talk at International Conference & Exhibition on Advanced & Nano Materials - August 1 - 3, 2016, Montreal, Quebec, Canada - Congratulations to Reza for receiving award.
JuLy 2016
Welcome to our new members, Noor, Rebekah, Rayeann, Noureen, Yannet, Keyu and Xiaoxi.
Welcome to our new members, Noor, Rebekah, Rayeann, Noureen, Yannet, Keyu and Xiaoxi.
June 2016
Aman delivered an invited lecture and Liejiang, Safder, Zubair, Manpreet, Arshad all presented posters at 14th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites & Biorefining: Sustainable Bioeconomy to Marketplace - May 31 to June 03, 2016, Guelph, Ontario, Canada -Congratulations to Liejiang and Safder for winning 2nd and 3rd place poster awards respectively.
Aman delivered an invited lecture and Liejiang, Safder, Zubair, Manpreet, Arshad all presented posters at 14th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites & Biorefining: Sustainable Bioeconomy to Marketplace - May 31 to June 03, 2016, Guelph, Ontario, Canada -Congratulations to Liejiang and Safder for winning 2nd and 3rd place poster awards respectively.
May 2016
Manpreet presented poster at 3rd Annual Alberta Nano Research Symposium, May 26-27, 2016, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Manpreet presented poster at 3rd Annual Alberta Nano Research Symposium, May 26-27, 2016, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
May 2016
Aman delivered lecture and Zubair presented poster at 107th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, May 1-4, 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA -Congratulations to Zubair for receiving travel award and serving as a session co-chair.
Aman delivered lecture and Zubair presented poster at 107th AOCS Annual Meeting & Expo, May 1-4, 2016, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA -Congratulations to Zubair for receiving travel award and serving as a session co-chair.
April 2016
Zubair, Safder, Arshad and Manpreet all presented posters at PRC Annual General Meeting, April 20-21, 2016, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
Zubair, Safder, Arshad and Manpreet all presented posters at PRC Annual General Meeting, April 20-21, 2016, Edmonton, AB, Canada.
November 2015
Aman delivered a talk and Arshad and Manpreet presented posters at BCN - AI Bio Conference, Bioindustrial Innovations, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
Aman delivered a talk and Arshad and Manpreet presented posters at BCN - AI Bio Conference, Bioindustrial Innovations, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.
November 2015
Aman delivered two presentations including one key note lecture at 5th International Conference on Nanotek and Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
Aman delivered two presentations including one key note lecture at 5th International Conference on Nanotek and Expo, San Antonio, Texas, USA.
October 2015
Arshad, Zubair and Safder presented posters at 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada.
Arshad, Zubair and Safder presented posters at 65th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Calgary, AB, Canada.
September 2015
Shimiao and Arshad's article titled "Drug encapsulation and release behavior of telechelic nanoparticles" is now available online in Nanotechnology.
Shimiao and Arshad's article titled "Drug encapsulation and release behavior of telechelic nanoparticles" is now available online in Nanotechnology.
September 2015
Aman delivered an invited talk at 11th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology - Banff, AB, Canada
Aman delivered an invited talk at 11th International Symposium on Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology - Banff, AB, Canada
August 2015
Arshad delivered a talk at Canadian International Conference on Composites - Edmonton, AB, Canada
Arshad delivered a talk at Canadian International Conference on Composites - Edmonton, AB, Canada
August 2015
Aman delivered an invited talk at Nanotechnology and Expo Conference - Frankfurt, Germany
Aman delivered an invited talk at Nanotechnology and Expo Conference - Frankfurt, Germany
July 2015
Aman delivered a talk at BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology - Montreal, QC, Canada
Aman delivered a talk at BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology - Montreal, QC, Canada
July 2015
Safder and Zubair presented posters at BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology - Montreal, QC, Canada
Safder and Zubair presented posters at BIO World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology - Montreal, QC, Canada
July 2015
We would like to welcome our new group members Kendra, Jasmine and Faria to the group!
We would like to welcome our new group members Kendra, Jasmine and Faria to the group!
June 2015
Aman delivered a talk at European Polymer Congress, Dresden, Germany
Aman delivered a talk at European Polymer Congress, Dresden, Germany
May 2015
We would like to welcome our new group member Niteesha Divulapally to the group!
We would like to welcome our new group member Niteesha Divulapally to the group!
April 2015
We would like to welcome our new group member Manpreet Kaur to the group!
We would like to welcome our new group member Manpreet Kaur to the group!
January 2015
We would like to welcome our new group members Reza Ahamedi, Liejiang Jin and Ramanjeet Kaur to the group!
We would like to welcome our new group members Reza Ahamedi, Liejiang Jin and Ramanjeet Kaur to the group!
May 2014
Aman delivered an invited talk at 13th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites & Biorefining: Moving towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy, Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Aman delivered an invited talk at 13th International Symposium on Bioplastics, Biocomposites & Biorefining: Moving towards a Sustainable Bioeconomy, Guelph, Ontario, Canada